College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka

President's Message


Dr. Pushpa Weerasinghe
President - CGPSL

Message from President - CGPSL

I am humbled and deeply grateful for the trust that the members have placed in me, in electing me as the 21st President of the College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka.

 Thank you so very much. I am conscious of my duty to serve all members and associates of the College. The election is a thing of the past and the time has come for all of us members and associates to put our shoulders to the wheel, so that our College moves onto the next level of development.  

There are many challenges before us. On the academic front, our main engine of growth, the MCGP is facing competition as a result of increasing interest shown by doctors, particularly those planning to leave our motherland, towards foreign exams.

College is currently negotiating with WONCA to obtain global accreditation for our MCGP Programme.

The current financial crisis affecting all Sri Lankans, which inevitably impacts on the College’s ability to raise funds for our building project at No 98, Thimbirigasyaya Road, Colombo 5.  

In the past, when faced with such adversity, the College has shown resilience converting threats into challenge that could be met. So it is now.

The members of the Council and the many committees are working as one, with dedication and determination to deal with the challenges faced by the College.

The successfully conducted WONCA SAR 2024 International Congress, put Sri Lanka back on the map and advanced the cause of the CGPSL as the apex body of General Practice in Sri Lanka.

The Curriculum Review and Development Committee revamping the MCGP programme and exam is nearing completion of this task. This will be another historic first for the College.

The CPD Committee of the College has prepared a comprehensive package of CPD programmes, which will come to you both virtually and physically.  

The Public Relations Officer has developed an Identity card and a car sticker for members and associates at a reasonable cost.  

The Social Activities Committee will soon embark on activities that will bring members and associates together providing entertainment for and enhancing. camaraderie among us.


Discussions were held by me with the Ministry of Health and Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) with a view to establishing our College as a key stake holder in the health of our people.  

I thank all Council members and the members of the many committees of the College for working diligently to fulfil our duty to our members and associates.


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